Entries by Vivienne Hamilton

Creating Character Profiles

Hi All, I’m definitely one of those writer’s who needs all their ducks in a row before I can even think about starting the first chapter. I usually start by writing the basic idea for the plot, the setting and the characters involved. Based on the latter, I’ll start doing some fundamental research – just […]

My Updates 6/6/2015

Hi All, I thought I’d take some time out of my June long weekend (happy birthday Queen Elizabeth!) to write an update about what’s been happening re ‘shopping my book!’ As most of you know, I’m currently looking for a US agent. I created my top 10 list, researched each agent, slaved over my query […]

My thoughts on Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

Hi All, Just finished another excellent Jodi Picoult book, Leaving Time. So as not to give away the ending, I’ll paste the jacket blurb at the end of this blog to give you the gist of the novel. What I loved about the book was Jodi’s trademark, comprehensive research. I learned so much about African and Asian elephants […]

Why Is Dialogue So Important

Why Is Dialogue So Important? Dialogue is definitely one of my strengths, probably because I love reading it. Before purchasing a book, I’ll often flick through the pages searching for quote marks. The more dialogue driven the novel appears to be, the more likely I am to part with my time and money. So, why […]